We've managed thus far to rear a relatively well-behaved toddler without resorting to corporal punishment. I was hand-spanked occasionally during my formative years, and though I believe I developed into a modestly productive and mentally whole member of society, we're trying to avoid what we both feel is a less-effective method of discipline.
However, as our eldest matures, it's becoming increasingly difficult to find ways to encourage good behavior and create consequences for bad behavior. Just yesterday, after the little darling blatantly ignored her parents' instructions to stay off of mommy's sewing project, she was told to go to time out. Rather than the expected look of remorse and dread we were hoping for, she happily said, "OK!" and scampered over to the time out corner. She waited there for about 5 seconds and then said "Sorry, daddy...I said sorry."
So we're probably going to have to move to minimum time requirements. It could also be an opportunity to teach math. "You got out mommy's make-up. That's 5 minutes time out. You also spit on the kids at the mall. That's 15 minutes of time out. How many minutes is that, Sam?"
Daddy did Sam's hair. With mousse.
Lucy thought it was super-awesome.
It's been a while since we did one of these.