This is Jack.
Jack is not our dog. Jack is staying with us for a week while his owners go somewhere more fun.
Jack is a good dog. Jack is an abnormally good dog. Jack is a brainwashed, neurotic, robot-like, good dog.
Jack does not get on the furniture. Jack does not beg for human food. Jack can sit, lay down, stay, spin, shake, stand, "kennel," and probably do taxes.
At his house, Jack rings a bell that hangs on the door when he needs to urinate and/or defecate. His owners then open the door and Jack goes to his cordoned area in which he does his business.
And herein lies the problem.
Jack does not have his special poo-area when he is staying at the Tolman house. Jack's brain has been so well trained that he unable to relieve himself now that he is away from his routine. Instead, Jack nervously whines all night long with his dog butt full of poo, unable to do the deed when he's out in the yard being walked around by a Tolman in his pajama pants at 2 am.
You apparently cannot remove all of the annoying things that dogs do, and still expect the dog to function as a dog.