Sam is now reaching a point in her language development where she'll repeat just about any one or two syllable word she hears, whether she knows what she's saying or not. Becky's trying to cut back on some of her more colorful explitives.
We watched "The Queen." We thought it was boring. Maybe if we cared about Princess Diana, or the Royal family, or about England, it would have been more interesting. I guess I'm used to movies in which the protagonist has to overcome something more tangibly sinister than negative headlines. I just need a ninja or a guy with a gun or a mutant fish or something. We thought "Prairie Home Companion" was pretty boring, too. I think we're planning to go on a Will Ferrell binge for a couple weeks. Maybe then we'll be in the mood for cinematic ambiance.

Sam doesn't get to eat until she does her chores. Here she is bringing the can back from the dumpster across the street.

She did a remarkable job with the lawn. This is before our crop of dandelions popped up. We'll have her spray this week.

We should have started this work-eat program earlier. As you can see, lazy-bones got into the habit of taking naps during the day. We're lucky to get a measly ten hours of labor out of the little cream-puff.