Monday, April 16, 2007

April and her turtle friends

We've had some unusually cold weather here in the Midwest. It makes us wonder whether or not Hamlet the heat-absorbing hamster is up to his old shenanigans again. Of course, we couldn't possibly know for sure unless we found those magical crystal droppings, but who has time to look?
It's warming up nicely now, and we're all grateful we don't live in Japan, where your toilet might catch on fire.
Samantha kissed a non-relative, naked boy in a bath tub over the weeked. She also gingerly touched his little bottom. I don't know where she gets this kind of behavior. No wait. I suppose I do.
The following pictures are little bit old, but such is the price of lingering in the non-digital age.
This picture makes Becky look like she's about 13 months along. She's actually mostly laying down on that porch swing.

Becky's OBGYN wanted another ultrasound, and boy are we glad we got one. Isn't she beautiful? And she already has teeth!
Sam's really more of a "destroying angel."
This picture was taken at 2:35.
This is 6-year-old cousin Jack. Jack is obviously not a tall boy, but he's wonderfully willing to hug and be hugged by Sam, who has a tendency to psychologically damage other toddlers and babies with her affection.


Rachel Tolman Terry said...

I see no signs of fake rolexes, but I am very excited (I think) to see the latest ultrasound photo of my latest niece. She has lovely teeth.

Megan and Jeremy said...

Well Jon, I can tell that the new baby will have your eyes and didn't your teeth look like that before you got braces? Yeah, what about those fake rolexes??? Were you giving them away? Know what I think? I think it is high time you guys asked for a digital camera for Christmas or something. Cute pictures guys!
(I found some crystal droppings the other day...just stumbled upon them...but I have no idea if they are HAMSTER droppings.)

Jon and Becky said...

Jeremy, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you get a Bachelor's degree in Geology? Shouldn't you be able to tell the difference between a crystal and a magical hamster dropping? Think man...

Megan and Jeremy said...

oh yeah....crystal droppings 101...