He'll be starting his nursing career in the Emergency Room at Centerpoint Medical Center in Independence, MO. It's a huge, brand spankin' new hospital that opened just a few months ago. Jon got hired for the 5 PM to 5 AM shift, so he ought to see plenty of the gunshot wounds and car wrecks that tend to occur in the wee hours.
Since the Tolman clan had a couple weeks between graduation and orientation at the hospital, we decided to loaf around in Colorado where the weather was tantalizingly more pleasant.
Sam was really upset after the ceremony. She had a hard time coming to grips with the dean's speech about the severe nursing shortage in America.
Lucy got blessed the next day, since Jon's folks were in town. She was pretty relaxed, considering how little she had to do to prepare.
Grandma Deanna got Sam a nice book with learning activities that use pictures of Disney princesses. I would prefer she learn how to fetch the remote control for Daddy.
Lucy started to crack up toward end of the 10-hour drive to Denver. For a couple minutes, we could swear she was crying backwards.
Sam didn't make it across Kansas without her own share of mental scarring. She spent a lot of time at her grandparents' house trying to feed and water an ugly porcelain cat.
Sam the veterinarian at the Denver Children's museum. She put that stethoscope on and used it correctly without any prompting.
Aunt Rachel's kids got out the water guns. They're older so Sam compensated with increased firepower. Notice that Dad is unarmed.
Sam with her cousins, Eva and Spencer Terry. That object Spencer is holding is a functional multi-user bong made from tongue depressors, juice bottles and a cereal box. He was very proud, but I'm surprised Rachel let him choose that project from all the options they had at the museum. I would have had him do the hand-painted remote explosive device.
First take note of all the other happy children, pretending to shop for groceries, learning to socialize and adding up their totals to hone their math skills. Then notice what our daughter is doing. I think it's a talent she picked up from her mother.