Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Last night, we decorated some gingerbread lollipop cookie things that came in a cute little kit. The kit included the gingerbread people, the frosting, colored candies, and the sticks.

Sam did a beautiful jobs, giving her gingerbread man sumptuous lavender eyes and Angelina Jolie lips.

Dad went goth with his Ghost of Gingerbread Future.

Mommy decided to go swanky with her Gingerbread French Maid

And I swear to you that Lucy did this all by herself.

1 comment:

GordonandChrissy said...

That is impressive, Lucy. Holy cow!

Although, I love all of them.

Very nice, Tolman people, very nice. :)

We're going to attempt Gingerbread houses this weekend. We'll post our pictures, but secretly, I'm afraid they'll all collapse in since I've never done it before!