Sunday, August 5, 2007


Lucy's been fairly pukey for the last couple weeks. We don't think it's because we let her watch "America's Next Top Model", but we're not ruling it out as a possiblity. She has an uncanny knack for throwing up at the precise moment you're switching her to your other shoulder or right after you've changed her into a clean outfit. I suppose vomit is as good a fluid as any to express spite.

"Target sited. Emessis armed."
Sam can hold and aim her like a Gatling gun.
This has absolutely nothing to do with ralphing. This is the amazing lemon merigue pie that Becky made. So sweet. So sublime. Or is that sublemon?

1 comment:

GordonandChrissy said...

First of all, sick. Your title is "hurl"? Maybe just because I'm a little queasy today it's sounding even more gross than usual.

Second, your pie looks AWESOME! It looks just as beautiful as the one on Katrina's! Way to go, stud.

Third, I LOVED those videos! Sam is so cute, and already looks older than last time I saw her. Seriously, I know it was only like a month ago, but she really does. :)

Fourth, we miss you guys.