Saturday, January 2, 2010

They're big and bright because there aren't any street lamps

Well, we're a little behind. I suppose Christmas pictures and what-not might get posted next week sometime. Jon had to work Christmas Day and the three days after, then we headed down to Austin for a Tolman gathering of sorts, so spare computer time has not been plentiful.

This is a sunrise view of Allison (Tolman) Benefield's back window in her new, cavernous home. It accomodates 19 people, and every one of them can hear what the other 18 are doing at any given moment.

Here is Rachel (Tolman) Terry giving Jon a swift kick to the goods.

Here is a group of people.

Here is some of that same group of people.

Here are two small people. Lucy finally has a cousin her age to play with.

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