Thursday, July 16, 2009

Another Biter

Our smallest little angel has gone ahead and grown herself a couple of teeth. She did it without crying or fussing. She did have a touch of diarrhea, but that's hardly different from her usual display of inconvenience.


Wendell and Deanna Tolman said...

I guess that would put an end to any thought of nursing....

Rachel Tolman Terry said...

That looks freakishly real.

Jon and Becky said...

I hate it. No offense honey, you've done just a fabulous job at photo shop, but that is our sweet little tiny girl. It's sad.

Jon and Becky said...

She's still my sweet tiny girl. She just has fangs.
Lucy was my sweet little tiny girl, then she developed her attitude. Mybe if I give Nora fangs, she won't feel as much need to scream as her older sister.